"Wallpapering" With Maps

My latest project? "Wallpapering" my office niche in maps! I put the word wallpapering in quotations because I didn't exactly wallpaper the maps. I wasn't one hundred percent sure I was going to eighty percent love it so I decided to just go for it as a semi permanent option. I've had minimal experience with removing wallpaper, but it was enough to know that I never wanted to do it again!

The little office niche, used by my kids as a computer and art room, is located in a hallway near my kitchen. I've been trying different colors on the walls but just hadn't made any decisions and then.....voila! Blank wall, extra maps, it was so obvious!

I used to have all their art supplies in a bookshelf under the counter. My mother says to me, "In a house with so much storage, I don't see why you would need extra." Well, okay mom... I'll refigure it. ...and I did, ....and I'm glad. Getting rid of that alone made the room better. I just reorganized the drawers and low cupboard that are easily accessible and I made it work.

There is a train that runs through this roomfrom my son's room. My clever husband put this together last Christmas and I have yet to blog a decent post about the production.

We have tons of AAA maps. Some are from locations where we used to live, some are from road trips. I set my iron to medium and ironed the wrinkles and folds. The creases are still evident, however this technique helped to minimize them.

Using a thick double sided tape on all four corners, I just started smoothing them against the wall and attaching them.

I think it's busy, but cute. At first I was kind of like "wo -- that's a lot going on" ....but now I really like it. ...and yes, that is the Pottery Barn Kids table and chairs I got for fifteen bucks at a thrift store.

My whole family is very into map reading so this is very entertaining for us 'cool nerds'.

I've been collecting globes. ...well, I plan on collecting them. So far I have two. I know that you need at least three of something to consider it a collection, but in my head, I can see the ten to fifteen that I imagine will look great all together.

After all was said and done, I added thumbtacks to the edges of the maps to keep them secure and finish the look. I'm tempted to go through with a red pin here and there and mark all the places where we've lived. What do you think?