Thrift Store Finds!
Ooooh I had a great thrift store shopping trip with my three kids yesterday. The baby and the girl and I picked the boy up from school, stopped at the donut shop and browsed through two thrift stores. We found some fun stuff:

~ A wooden toilet to hang on the wall in my "tacky bathroom" (I'll post about this soon.)
~ One wooden shutter, the first of many I hope to acquire for a big home art project I'm planning for my dining room wall.
~ Egg dye for Easter.

~ A wall candle sconce in desperate need of a make-over.

~ A lamp that I can see has a lot of potential.

~ Plastic bug containers for my kids. My son is uber excited about this one. We watched "The Secret" together last week and he says he's been visualizing getting a container to hold worms and that God helped bring this to him.
~ A blonde curly wig for my daughter (....yes, she refrained from putting it on her head till I washed it in the washing or die)
~ Some sort of blue oil & floating sail boat alarm clock my son deemed necessary.

~ An old record with a friend's name on it. 'Emerson Phonograph Company inc New York 1918' Happy Birthday Paul! (I always remember his birth date cuz it's the same as our dog).

~ Pottery Barn Table and two chairs for $15

~ Pottery Barn Kids work bench and stool for $15. This was the find I'm the most excited about since we were planning on building one. I hope to set up an area in my garage with tools, nails and pieces of wood for my kids (once they pass some sort of safety test)
What is your latest find? Have you found anything from a thrift store/yard sale that you just couldn't live without?