Towel Hooks vs Towel Bars
Keeping bathrooms tidy is a chore. Have you ever tried to teach a three year old to fold their towel over the towel bar when they are done with their bath? And if you have, is it hanging evenly? Folded in thirds? or at least in half? Forget the three year old, how 'bout your husband? Can he put the towels over the bar? I'm really good at putting the blame on everyone else and not mentioning my own pile of towels that seemed to gravitate to the floor.
My answer? Towel hooks! Remove all the towel bars that came with your house, and hang up towel hooks. You can find various styles at Home Depot or Lowesin the Home Organization aisle. Conveniently the wooden base for the hooks usually cover the holes left behind from the towel bars. Voila! No patching necessary!

These are great in the kids bathroom. It's so much easier for them to clean up their bathroom if it's actually do-able. And it's so Montessori for them to be able to complete their tasks themselves. Hooks in the guest room can be used for hanging toiletry bags, swim suits, pool towels AND bath towels. You can hang more things with four or five hooks then you can with one bar.

This hook was an ugly brass thing I found at a thrift store and I spray painted it with Rust-oleum Hammered Gray Spray Paint. It's hanging by the door in the guest room for jackets and purses.