Sewing, Stamping and Felt Gift Cards

sewing felt onto gift cards

In a productive hour of avoiding chores last week I decided to have some fun on the sewing machine.  I had a collection of thank you cards to write from my birthday and a stack of felt scraps on my desk from the Owl costume.

sewing stamps gift cards
I pulled out some fun bug stamps, and a few of these metal clippy thingies that pierce through the paper, through your finger and then your fold the sharp ends over like a staple, then wiping the blood on to your pants.  Scrapbookers? Do you have a technical name for this?
I did not use glue, just the metal "staple thingies" and my sewing machine.  It was a lot of fun and they turned out super cute.  I especially like the contrasting thread.
They are definitely home-made and with imperfections for proof (which makes me like them even more).