DIY Yoda Hat
So my son wants to be Yoda for Halloween. Great! I'll order a cute Yoda hat off Etsy and dye his old karate uniform tan. Well..... turns out I thought my husband ordered the hat and he thought I ordered it. And the karate uniform? Well it is lacking in the hood department and apparently this is vital.
I happened to have some scrap green fleece from a comforter I made a couple Christmases ago. I cut four pieces into Yoda ear shapes.
Then I turned them right side out, put a pipe cleaner along the top of the Yoda ear and stitched along side it to hold it in place.
I'm so lucky that we had a green hat lying around that my mother crocheted. I'm sure you could use any existing hat, headband, or perhaps dun dun dun.....make your own?
I pulled the pipe cleaner through the hat and back up into the bottom of the ear, while holding the ear at the appropriate angle (a model is very useful). I hand stitched along the base. The whole hat took perhaps ten minutes.
The robe is a most impressive display of asymmetrical seams and could be used in a home economics class as an example of how NOT to make a Jedi robe. It was a Snuggie I found at Savers for $1.99 and has flashing neon lights that scream "HOME MADE by a tired mom!" In case you are wondering, Yoda is using the force in the above picture.
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