Amy Hunting Block Shelf Book Shelf
Is this possibly the coolest thing you've ever seen?

I applaud Amy Hunting for her amazing creativity
in the design and assembly of this "Block Shelf."

The wooden blocks consist of twenty types of untreated
wood, upcycled from a rubbish bin in London.

The cotton rope is tied in some serious fishing and sailing knots
to hold up the massive weight of the wood and books.
You'd definitely want to find some studs for these puppies.

This is quite a creation that Amy has designed! You can be pretty sure I'm gonna try and duplicate it myself (well....myself meaning with the help of my wonderful hubby). Amy's piece has so much personality and history in each block of upcycled wood!

Besides being an obviously awesome bookshelf, can you imagine it in front of a viewless window with plants and glass bottles? Could you see yourself attempting a replication?

Photographer: Trine Stephensen
Check out Amy's Site
She was awarded the 2nd prize from Green Furniture Award in 2010 and her bookshelf is available for purchase from Green Furniture Sweden