Grow Into The Unknown

Lifebook 2014 with Alena Hennessy Olive and Love Week 8 of Life Book 2014 was an art lesson entitled "The Joy Of Intention" with teacher Alena Hennessy.  I really connected to her free spirit intuitive painting method.  We began the lesson with a grounding mediation to bring us into the present mind and open our spirt to receive.  Grow Into The Unknown is representative of my journey in art right now.  I'm open to learning new concepts and ideas, techniques, supplies, styles.  I'm pushing myself forward into the unknown.

Lifebook 2014 with Alena Hennessy Olive and Love

Carving into wet acrylic paint with a water color pencil revealed both the previous layer and deposited the pencil's color.

There is no control over which will happen so you have to just let go and let it be.

Lifebook 2014 with Alena Hennessy Olive and Love

I incorporated beautiful pieces of paper into the multi media artwork.

Lifebook 2014 with Alena Hennessy Olive and Love

Layers and layers of designs, line work and experiments in painting techniques overlap bringing interest in depth and composition.


Since this piece, I've started a few others using a similar free method of intuitive painting.  Right now I'm painting on gessoed masonite, wood, canvas and paper to experiment with my preferences.  Most are small in size but I look forward to working larger.