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It's the last week of summer vacation.  It's Thursday so technically it's like we have a four day weekend.  I have mixed feelings on this.

I woke up at 9:30 a couple days ago.  That's a beautiful thing.  On Monday I never changed out of my jammie pants.  Neither did my ten year old.  I love this about summer.  Lazy days....which also include moments where complete chaos breaks out and I'm not sure any of us will survive till school starts.

My five-year-old received a martial arts punching stand for his birthday.  It's a great gift and he spends good time getting out aggression and/or becoming proficient at kicking and hitting for when he's really upset.

The box however is the best part.



Complete with fabric curtains designed by the girl,



and a fire place and pantry stocked with essentials.



The front door even has a mini peep door like my house when I was little.

This was for the kids only...I swear.


